The MoReLeach process, a sister technology to MetaLeach’s HyperLeach® technology, is used on molybdenum bearing ores, concentrates and flotation tailings. The HyperLeach® process is a process for the extraction of base metals, especially copper, zinc, nickel and cobalt from sulphidic ores and concentrates.
The technology consists of three major stages i.e. leaching, separation/concentration and recovery. The leaching can occur either in heap or tank and involves contacting the ore/concentrate with a suitable solution of reagent at an appropriate concentration. The separation/concentration and recovery of the metals uses the same ion exchange process as that used in current roasting – acid leach plants to produce the industry standard products, ammonium molybdate and ammonium perrhenate, which can be sold directly to secondary processors. The reagent used can be readily recycled at low cost using conventional technologies.
Using MoReLeach both oxide and sulphide-based molybdenum ores can be effectively treated. The reagent used is highly selective for molybdenite and can be used to remove molybdenum from copper flotation concentrates whilst minimising copper loss. This allows realisation of the value of the molybdenum, increases the copper grade and reduces penalties at the copper smelter. The rhenium which is present in all molybdenite deposits will behave in the same way as molybdenum and can be recovered at low additional cost.